School at Shodair

Our mission: To positively teach students the universal expectations through a collaborative and safe environment to ensure school and community success.


The School at Shodair is committed to meeting the individual educational needs of our diverse student population. School personnel include: an administrator, a certified special education teacher and a teaching assistant for each classroom and a school psychologist and speech-language pathologist. Shodair contains four Residential classrooms and one Acute classroom. The individual strengths and talents of our teaching staff allow for a variety of educational opportunities for all students. Classrooms are designed to meet the needs of our students while providing a safe, consistent, and predictable learning environment in accordance with the school’s mission statement.


The School at Shodair prioritizes core academic courses. Residential students utilize Edgenuity’s online curriculum that aligns with Montana state standards for five quarters versus the traditional four. During the school year, students attend classes 239 days per year, residential students are enrolled in four core academic courses through Edgenuity that are best matched to their home school courses. In addition, a health course is given to all students regardless of grade level. Academic ability and course assignments for residential students are assessed through Edgenuity MyPath assessments in reading and math. Courses are then assigned through Edgenuity coursework. This allows residential students to maintain academic growth and earn credit, dependent on work completion and length of enrollment.

The School at Shodair provides students with a weekly group led by our Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) targeting social skill development and communication skills. These services are supplemental to our academic course offerings. Weekly PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) lessons are provided that heavily focus on skill building, developing coping skills, and positive behavior replacement skills. In our experience, this approach best prepares students to effectively transition back into public school or other educational programs.


While students are on the acute units, they remain enrolled in their home schools, and are on medical leave but will receive educational opportunities for approximately 1.5 hours per day Monday through Friday. The acute classroom setting is highly structured, and curriculum varies per class, grade, and ability level. Elementary students work on basic skills such as reading, writing, and math. Middle and High School students work on practical skills curriculum such as social skills, life skills, PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports), health & wellness, creative crafts, and daily current events. For independent study, students are encouraged to research their diagnosis, medications, or an appropriate topic of their choice (pre-approved by teacher).


Upon enrollment, students’ special education records are transferred and amended to reflect Shodair’s educational setting. As special education case managers, teachers at Shodair collaborate with the student’s home school to provide and deliver the special education services outlined in the IEPs. Teachers provide accommodations for all special education students in the classroom and adapt the curriculum to individually address each student’s educational and behavioral needs. Students in need of accommodations are provided opportunities through Edgenuity’s MyPath for reading and math. Individualized Learning Paths align with assessment scores and automatically place students at their learning level. Students are also offered lower-level placement courses and paper curriculum options to accommodate other core courses.


The School at Shodair offers both speech-language pathology and school psychological services in accordance with special education guidelines. Patients and students with currently identified speech and language disorders on an IEP are treated for these disorders. In addition to that, the SLP conducts diagnostic evaluations and treats disorders, including: articulation disorders, social language disorders, and receptive and expressive language disorders. The school psychologist at Shodair is another vital part of the educational team. Services provided by the School Psychologist include: psychological testing, IEP support, behavior plan development, and special education regulation counseling.


The School at Shodair is fully accredited through Cognia and residential students have the opportunity to earn a maximum of 1.50 credits per quarter, dependent on work completion and length of enrollment. All current grades and credits earned during a residential student’s enrollment may be transferred to their home school district. Due to Acute students’ current enrollment being at their home school, they are ineligible to receive credits during their stay. 


The primary focus at the School at Shodair is teaching positive mindset and utilizing replacement behaviors through the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative. PBIS is an evidence-based approach that assists students in learning skills to be successful in the community and educational setting after discharge. PBIS interventions are taught and modeled daily through check-ins and all aspects of classroom settings as well as in weekly lessons. Although PBIS is implemented with fidelity in the classrooms, the Education Department works closely with the multidisciplinary clinical teams to maintain PBIS language throughout the entire hospital. This encourages the creation of a positive culture for staff to focus on building positive relationships with staff and patients to create a consistent and safe environment facility wide.  

Additional and Contact Information

A discharge summary, academic transcript, and any school records received will be forwarded to the student’s next educational institution. For additional information, please contact The School at Shodair:

Robbie Radakovich

Lead Teacher / Residential Teacher


Luke Maierle

Teaching Assistant
Records Coordinator


Vaughn Kauffman

School Psychologist


Brianna Gulberston

Residential Teacher


Keith Meyer

Acting Education Director


Tessa Jackson

Teaching Assistant


Mailing Address:

Shodair Children’s Hospital, Education Services

2755 Colonial Drive
P.O. Box 5539
Helena MT, 59604

Fax: (406)444-1005

Jacquelyn Thomas

Acute Teacher


Angie Dailey

Speech Language Pathologist


Kori LaLiberty

Teaching Assistant
