Financial Assistance

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Shodair Children’s Hospital is committed to providing care to the community, regardless of payment source. Providing financial assistance to families in need, via our ShoCare program, fits with our mission to heal, help and inspire hope. The financial assistance policy can be found here as well as in the details below.

Interested in financial assistance?

Please complete the application, and attach the requested documentation before mailing to:

Shodair Children’s Hospital
Attn: Financial Counselor
P.O. Box 5539
Helena, MT 59604

This policy clearly defines the criteria for qualifying for and obtaining financial assistance (ShoCare) for all levels of care offered at Shodair and is intended to be a fair and consistent method of review.

All medically necessary care provided by Shodair or its employees is included under this policy. This includes all rendering providers who practice here. Financial assistance is only available after all other reimbursement options, including insurance, medical assistance, and other third-party liability claims, have been exhausted.

Applicant-  Adult patient, parent, or other individual responsible for the balances on a patient’s account who applies for financial assistance under this policy.
Medically Necessary Care – Healthcare services that a prudent physician would provide to prevent, diagnose, or treat an illness, injury, disease, or its symptoms in a manner that is: (i) in accordance with generally accepted standards of practice; (ii) clinically appropriate; and (iii) not primarily for the convenience of the patient, family, or insurance company.
Required Documentation-  Information needed to determine eligibility for ShoCare, which often includes, but is not limited to: pay stubs, bank statements, tax returns and/or W2s, and outstanding medical bills. Each family situation is unique; thus, the required documentation will vary.
Self-Pay Balance-   The amount owed after services are rendered and all payment options are exhausted.

To be considered eligible for financial assistance, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • The patient/family must cooperate fully with the application process.
  • The applicant/patient is either uninsured or has a self-pay balance they are unable to pay.
  • The applicant must show evidence of application for medical assistance if there is a possibility of approval. If already insured, proof of financial hardship paying for deductibles/copays related to care received at Shodair.
  • The applicant must provide all required documentation in a timely manner.
  • The income limit for financial assistance consideration is 500% of the federal poverty level for that year.
  • Patients who are eligible for any Medicaid and/or CHIP (Healthy Montana Kids) plan can be approved by the CFO without the full application process upon business office or utilization review staff member request.

Basis for Calculating the Amounts Charged to Patients

The amount that a patient is expected to pay, and the amount of financial assistance offered depends on the patient’s insurance coverage and income as set forth in the eligibility section of this Policy. The Federal Income Poverty Guidelines will be used in determining the amount of the write off and the amount charged to patients, if any, after an adjustment.

  • Complete an application and submit to the business office along with the required documentation.
  • The financial assistance application will be pended until a Medicaid determination is made if there is a reasonable expectation of eligibility. If the family is ineligible for medical assistance, a review of available resources will determine the amount of assistance.
  • If the patient/family is approved for Medicaid, Shodair will bill Medicaid for services rendered. If the Medicaid application is denied (excluding denials for lack of sufficient information), the Federal Poverty Level Guidelines listed on the application will be used to determine the level of assistance applied to the self-pay balance, once financial assistance eligibility is approved.




$14,580 1 $0-$29,160 $29,161-$43,740 $43,741-$58,320 $58,321-$72,900
$19,720 2 $0-$39,440 $39,441-$59,160 $59,161-$78,880 $78,881-$98,600
$24,860 3 $0-$49,720 $49,721-$74,580 $74,581-$99,440 $99,441-$124,300
$30,000 4 $0-$60,000 $60,001-$90,000 $90,001-$120,000 $120,001-$150,000
$35,140 5 $0-$70,280 $70,281-$105,420 $105,421-$140,560 $140,561-$175,700
$40,280 6 $0-$80,560 $80,561-$120,840 $120,841-$161,120 $161,121-$201,400
$45,420 7 $0-$90,840 $90,841-$136,260 $136,261-$181,680 $181,681-$227,100
$50,560 8 $0-$101,120 $101,121-$151,680 $151,681-$202,240 $202,241-$252,800
  •  Approved applications will remain active for a period of 90 days after the initial determination is made. Services received during this time will qualify for approved discounts.
  • Balances remaining after financial assistance is applied will go through our regular collections process.

Please complete the application, and attach the requested documentation before mailing to:

Shodair Children’s Hospital
Attn: Financial Counselor
P.O. Box 5539
Helena, MT 59604

Suicide Prevention Resources

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If You or a Loved One is in Crisis or Distress:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Live chat:

The Trevor Project (For LGBTQ Youth) 1-866-488-7386.

A Youth Suicide Prevention Seminar for Parents:

“Not My Kid”: Geared toward helping parents determine if their child may be at risk of suicide.

How Parents Can LOOK, LISTEN, AND HELP: Youth Suicide is Preventable: Discusses parents’ roles in recognizing changes in their child’s behavior that may indicate a risk of depression and/or suicide.

The Jason Foundation: Dedicated to the prevention of the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide through educational and awareness programs that equip young people, educators/youth workers and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth.

MY3 Safety Planning App: Coping strategies and sources of support.

Virtual Hope Box: Helps with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking.

“A Friend Asks” App: A free smart-phone app that helps provide the information, tools and resources to help a friend (or yourself) who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide.

Suicide Prevention Resource Center. This SAMHSA-funded national resource center has a wealth of information about suicide and its prevention.

National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. Public-private partnership that advances the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.

National Council for Suicide Prevention. National coalition of leading nonprofit organizations working to end suicide in the United States.

Indian Health Services:

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:

Suicide Prevention Resource Center:

Parent Self-Care Tips

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So much of parenting involves meeting the needs of others. All people have certain needs that must be met to avoid negative consequences. During times of stress, needs become more acute. Unmet needs can lead to even more stress. It is especially important for parents of children who are experiencing psychiatric crises to take care of themselves and do what they can to meet their own needs.

  • Prioritize Sleep
  • Eat a Healthy Diet
  • Check Out Local Food Co-ops, Community Gardens, or Food Banks for Nutritious, Affordable Food
  • Be Conscious of the Effects of Substance Use
  • Exercise
  • Get Some Sunshine and Fresh Air
  • Ask for Help
  • Be Kinder to Yourself
  • Have Realistic Goals and Expectations
  • Lean on Your Community
  • Seek Professional Help
  • Say No to Extra Responsibilities
  • Join a Local or Online Parent Support Group
  • Set Aside Quality Time to Spend With Friends and Family
  • Practice Deep Breathing or Other Relaxation Techniques
  • Gather Information and Resources
  • Seek Professional Help
  • Write
  • Read
  • Listen to Audiobooks or Podcasts About Topics That Interest You
  • Watch Documentaries on TV, Netflix, or from the Library
  • Take a Class at a Library, Local College, or Online
  • Read Your Local Newspaper

Parenting Resources

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Mental Health America

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Pricing Transparency for Shodair Children’s Hospital

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) established guidance for hospitals to make available a list of their standard charges online.

At Shodair Children’s Hospital, we know that health care can be an unexpected expense and that the cost of health care services can be a deciding factor for many people as they plan for care. Shodair Children’s Hospital supports health care pricing transparency and tools that help patients and families evaluate what care is best for them and any related financial costs.

Hospital charges can help patients and families understand what the costs might be for certain health care services; however, they don’t provide a full picture of what will need to be paid. Financial liability will depend on the full course of treatment and on the type of insurance coverage.

We encourage all health care consumers to speak with their providers and their health plan to get a full picture of what they will pay. For our patients and families, we offer financial counseling for those experiencing hardship during any point throughout their care.

If you have questions, please contact Customer Service: 1-406-444-7500

Healthy Children

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Click here to visit the website.