Samantha Faulkner – 2012
January 22, 2019Jason Albin – 2014
January 22, 2019Landen Phillips – 2013
Past Champion Children
Landen Phillips, 2013
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Meet Landen, who dreams of being Superman. Unfortunately, this little boy who wants to be the Man of Steel has a rare brittle bone and loose joint syndrome, which has resulted in numerous, spontaneous bone fractures.
In fact, due to his syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta and Ehlers-Danlos, Landen is part of a pretty rare group: He is one of fewer than 100 people worldwide who have this particular condition. However, that’s not what makes Landen special.
While his bones and structure may not be that of the Man of Steel, his indomitable spirit and determination make him a superhero for many in Montana!
Landen was selected to represent Montana as the 2013 Champion Child for the Children’s Miracle Network. Thanks to the Genetics Program at Shodair Children’s Hospital, Landen will have a bright future, one where he will prove a hero for many in his community.

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